Flipdish have Payout Reports to help customers understand exactly how much they’re getting paid and what fees Flipdish is charging. We aim to be 100% transparent with our customers and these reports will help you understand exactly what you got paid and why.
What are the Payout Reports?
For every payout you receive from Flipdish, you can view a corresponding Payout Report that shows a detailed breakdown of how we calculated your payout and Flipdish fees.
How do I access Payout Reports?
Navigate to Payouts > Payouts in the Flipdish Portal to see a list of your payouts. You can click into any individual payout to see the Payout Details.
Who has access to this feature?
This feature is currently only accessible to those with Owner, Managed Owners and Finance Manager permissions.
How far back do the reports go?
You can see payouts listed from 17th December 2020 onwards on the Payouts page.
Can I see how my payout was broken down by Store?
Yes! If you have multiple stores associated with a particular bank account, you can scroll down to the ‘Payouts by Store’ section below the Summary to see a breakdown by store.
Otherwise, you can use the Stores filter to only see information for the store(s) of your choosing. Each section on the page will be impacted by your choice of store(s) in this filter (i.e. Summary, Orders, Refunds, Chargebacks and Other Charges). By default, we will show payout information for all stores associated with your payout.
Can I export my payout information?
Yes, you can export each of the tables below the Summary in csv format. Please note that your chosen filters will be taken into consideration when you choose to export a table.
Payout Overview
What timezone are payouts calculated in?
Payouts are always based on UTC timezone. Your payout includes orders that were accepted within the date period shown in the Overview section.
Your payout will include orders that were accepted up to midnight UTC the day before the payout. Orders placed after midnight will be included in the payout on the following day.
What is the amount in the Overview section?
This is the actual payout amount that you should receive into your bank account.
Payout Summary
How do I verify my payout amount?
We have provided a Summary section to give a high-level overview of how we calculated your payout. You can see this when you click into a particular payout from the Payouts page.
You can add up the totals for each subsection to see how we arrived at your payout amount.
Payout Amount = Total Online Revenue - Total Revenue Adjustments - Total Flipdish Fees - Total Chargebacks Cost - Total Charges - Opening Balance + Closing Balance
Below the summary, we provide a detailed list of all relevant transactions that impact your payout including Orders, Refunds, Chargebacks and Other Charges if you want to dive a bit deeper into understanding your payout.
Why do Payout Reports only show ‘Online Revenue’ in the Summary?
The summary section focuses on online revenue (i.e. orders placed using online payment methods like credit cards). This is because you collect the money directly from customers for ‘cash’ orders.
However, you can see all your cash orders and relevant fees charged in the ‘Orders’ section further down the page.
Why does the ‘Total Payout’ in the Summary differ to the amount in the ‘Overview’?
The amount in the Overview section will always be the actual payout amount you received. It is worth noting that the Summary section will be impacted by your choice of store(s) in the Stores filter. It is also possible that the amount in the Summary section will be a few cent off the actual payout due to rounding. We would usually expect these differences to be very small.
What are ‘Cash Fees Charged to Customer’?
These are the fees charged to your customer on cash orders that you collect on behalf of Flipdish.
What are ‘Other Charges’?
The ‘Other Charges’ details products and services that you purchased from Flipdish. This may include products such as Flipdish Managed Marketing. Funds for these are taken directly from your payout amount. In the event that Flipdish returns funds to you for any reason, such transactions will also show up in this section.
What is the ‘Opening Balance’ and ‘Closing Balance’?
The opening balance is the outstanding balance on your chosen stores at the start of the reporting period. The closing balance is the outstanding balance on your chosen stores at the start of the reporting period.
A negative amount means that you owed Flipdish money. This may occur if the last order you receive on a particular day is a cash order for which you owe Flipdish commission. We’ll deduct the amount owed from the following payout. We usually expect opening and closing balance amounts to be quite small.