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Glossary of Terms for Flipdish Sales Reports
Glossary of Terms for Flipdish Sales Reports
Updated over 7 months ago

Glossary of Terms:

In the case of references to Online, this is where payment account type = card.

In the case of references to Cash, this is where payment account type = cash.

Total online sales: The food value of all orders made online in the specified period (including refunded orders placed during the period). This also includes the customer fee in the case of fully refunded orders.

Total cash sales: The food value of all cash orders in the specified period (including refunded orders that were placed during the period) plus the customer fee on those orders. This DOES NOT include the customer fee in the case of refunded orders.

Total online delivery charges: The delivery value of all orders made online in the specified period (including refunded orders placed during the period).

Total cash delivery charges: The delivery value of all cash orders in the specified period (including refunded orders placed during the period).

Total online revenue: The sum of total online sales + total online delivery charges + the sum of tax on each food item in orders during the specified period. Note that in some cases this tax on food items is already included in the total online sales figure, in which case it is not added to the total here.

Total cash revenue: The sum of total cash sales + total cash delivery charges + the sum of tax on each food item in orders during the specified period. Note that in some cases this tax on food items is already included in the total cash sales figure, in which case it is not added to the total here.

Total online vouchers: The total discounted value of all vouchers used on orders made online in the specified period (including refunded orders placed during the period).

Total cash vouchers: The total discounted value of all vouchers used on cash orders in the specified period (including refunded orders placed during the period).

Total refunded online sales: The total refunded order value for all refunded online orders where the refund was carried out during the specified time period. Note that orders may have been made before the specified period but may have been refunded during the period - these orders will be included in this total.

Total refunded cash sales: The total refunded order value for all refunded cash orders where the refund was carried out during the specified time period. Note that orders may have been made before the specified period but may have been refunded during the period - these orders will be included in this total.

Total cash fees charged to customers & deducted from online fees: The sum of all processing fees we charge to the consumer for cash orders. This does not include those fees on refunded and rejected orders.

Because Flipdish has no associated online payment to deduct these from automatically, they are collected by clients when the consumer pays, and these are returned back to Flipdish from other online sales.

Total online adjustments: The sum of total refunded online sales + online vouchers + cash fees charged to customers & deducted from online fees.

Total cash adjustments: The sum of total refunded cash sales + cash vouchers.

Total fees on online sales: This is the total restaurant fee including VAT for all online orders in the specified period. Refunded orders are also included in this total.

Total fees on cash sales: This is the total restaurant fee including VAT for all cash orders in the specified period. Refunded orders are also included in this total. Note that the Total cash fees charged to customer & deducted from online fees are subtracted from this total.

Total fees from refunded sales: This is the total fees returned to a client from refunded and undisputed orders for which the refund or dispute occurred during the specified period. This total is credited to the client and can include partial fee returns in the case of partial refunds.

Total Flipdish fees: The sum of fees on online sales + fees on cash sales - total fees from refunded sales in the specified period.

Total online tips: The sum of all tips on orders in the specified period. This does not include tips from refunded orders.

Total dispute charges/reversals: Total value of dispute charges to be charged to clients resulting from consumer-initiated payment disputes less the total value of charges related to reversals of disputes. This is for orders where that dispute or dispute reversal occurred in this period.

Note that a dispute reversal is where the issuing bank rejects the dispute and decides that the original order transaction stands. Dispute reversals can come on the same day as the dispute or up to 12 weeks following.

Total online service charge: The total value of service charges collected from consumers for online paid orders during the specified period. This figure is only applicable to clients using QRCOP.

Total cash service charge: The total value of service charges collected from consumers for cash-paid orders during the specified period. This figure is only applicable to clients using QRCOP.

Total other charges: The total value of other charges which occurred during the specified period. Other charges can be debits or credits against your online sales. For example, if you are subscribed to our Flipdish Managed Marketing service and have chosen to pay for this by deducting it from your online sales and payout for that period, this will appear in this section. Another example would be if you were mistakenly overcharged for any of our services, we will credit this to your online sales and include it in your payout.

Total revenue after Flipdish fees and charges: (Total revenue after adjustments and tax - total Flipdish fees - dispute charges) + total online tips + total online service charge + total cash service charge + total other charges.

Total revenue after Flipdish fees and charges excluding cash revenues: Total revenue after Flipdish fees and charges - total cash revenue after adjustments and tax - total cash service charge.

Order value (column) - The order value column is obtained in the following 2 ways:

  1. food value + end-user fee + delivery value + tip value - voucher value, where total tax is incorporated into the food value amount.

  2. food value + end-user fee + delivery value + tip value + total tax - voucher value, where total tax is NOT incorporated into the food value amount.

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