Common customer queries about payment issues.
Customer has been charged but we never received the order?
As soon as a customer submits their order, the payment will be authorised by our payment provider. This means that the funds are held by the payment provider until the payment is captured. If the customer cancels their order when the 15 second timer is running down, the order will be cancelled and refunded but the order will not be communicated to the restaurant. This process is automated so no action needs to be taken to get the funds back to the customer, only time.
Customer has been double charged?
As with the above, sometimes customers can believe they have been double charged for one order. In reality the customer has cancelled the order during the 15 second communication window and then ordered again. This will make it appear to both the customer and the restaurant that the order was charged twice as the first order hasn't been communicated to either. The refund will have already been issued for the first order however and no action needs to be taken.
Payment Authorisation & Reversals explained
Sometimes customers can be refunded by process of a reversal. This can cause some confusion as it is less obvious that the process has been completed than with a standard refund. A reversal is credited simply by the removing of the original charge in the customers account. This means there will be no instance of money given back to them visible, or of the original expenditure. The money will simply reappear in the customer's account and it will be as if nothing has ever happened.
How long do refunds take?
We are advised by our payment provider that refunds can take up to 10 working days to arrive back in the customer's account. This is rare however and the standard wait time seems to be closer to 3-5 working days.
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