DoorDash Drive is a last-mile fulfilment service that enables restaurants to use DoorDash to request a driver to deliver orders to their customers. Flipdish can be configured to automatically notify DoorDash when new delivery orders are placed with a given store. DoorDash Drivers in the area will be notified of the collection request. When a driver has accepted the order, they will collect the order from the store, and deliver it to your customer.
You must already have an account with DoorDash in order to enable this integration.
'Require customer name' must be Enabled under Stores > [Selected Store] > Delivery settings
Cash as a payment option for deliveries should be Disabled under Stores > [Selected Store] > Delivery settings
Your chosen store should have at least 1 delivery zone enabled under Stores > [Selected Store] > Delivery Settings
Please ensure that the Stores' address is correctly filled out under Stores > [Selected Store] > General Settings, taking care to add a City and ZIP Code as required
How to Enable the Integration:
Navigate to using any web browser and sign in using your Flipdish account email and password
Select the restaurant you wish to enable the integration for on the left hand menu, and click "Manage"
Scroll down to the "Integrations" Panel on the Manage Restaurant page and click "DoorDash"