Flipdish Kiosks have a variety of payment options. Learn how to refund payments for each.
Ingenico IPP350 or Lane3000 Card reader payments
Please refund the customer directly using cash or using your own non-Flipdish card reader. Payments made via these particular Flipdish card readers cannot be refunded directly.
Wise Pad 3 or BBPOS Card reader payments
Visit the portal.
Click on "Orders" on the left side of the screen and find the order you wish to refund.
Click on the order.
Note: Orders need to be Accepted before having the option to refund.
Click "Refund" or "Cancel" in the bottom right of the screen.
Then input the amount you wish to refund.
Refunds can only be processed for orders under 7 days old.
Your order fee will be refunded in proportion to the amount of the order that is refunded. For example, if you refund €10 of a €20 order, half of the fees for the order will be refunded.
Please note:
Refunds: possible for orders paid online only.
Cancels: possible for both orders paid online and cash orders. Canceled orders will not be counted towards the customers' loyalty order count.
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