What is the default store and menu that displays on the website?
If a user is logged out or new, on page load we get the users location via their IP address. We use these co-ordinates to get the closest delivery store and display that menu.
If we are unable to get the IP address, we use default co-ordinates to get the closest delivery store and menu: Latitude: 53.3454362, Longitude: -6.2616217.
When the user selects a menu item, if no address for delivery is provided, we ask them to input an address.
For collection, we always default to the nearest store.
How are collection stores ordered?
The collection stores available are ordered by distance to the users location. The stores will display their current distance and status i.e. Open or Closed.
How are recent addresses ordered?
The recent delivery addresses are ordered by recency of being added. The most recent address added will be at top of the list, and the oldest added at the bottom.
When does order status display?
For card orders, once the order is placed the order status should display on the homepage. For cash orders, order status will only display on the homepage after the 15 second cancellation period.
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