You'll use the Accounts Overview Report to see for a detailed view of your profits including any Wage Costs, Commissions, and Fixed Costs.
You will need to be a staff member with Back Office app permissions.
Step 1 - Log into your Point of Sale Back Office with your email address and password.
Step 2 - Click on the Business or Store name in the top right drop down.
Selecting the Business Name will aggregate sales data for all stores.
Selecting the Store Name will filter data for that Store only.
Step 3 - Click 'Reports' in the top left panel.
Step 4 - Click 'Accounts.'
Step 5 - Click 'Accounts Overview Report.'
Step 6 - Add your date period.
There are three tabs to the Accounts Overview Report:
1) Overview, 2) Sales and 3) Costs.
| Tab 1 - Overview |
The Overview tab gives you a breakdown of sales, costs, and profits.
Overview Key Terms
Profit = Sale Price - COGs - Wages Costs - Venue Commissions - Fixed Costs.
Sale Price: Total price of the items purchased, not including tax, refunds and any chargebacks.
COGs (Cost of Goods): Determined by the costs entered within the recipe of each product in the Inventory module.
Wages Costs: Determined by the data input to your Payroll module. This will be $0 if you do not use the Flipdish POS Payroll module.
Venue Commissions: The total Commissions from your ordering channels.
Fixed Costs: Any monthly expenses entered in the Expenses and Bills module of the Back Office app.
| Tab 2 - Sales |
There are five tables that populate under the Sales tab of the Overview Report.
A) Sales by Venue
B) Sales by Mileage
C) Customer Retention
D) Actual vs Projected Sales
E) Current vs Previous Sales
A) Sales by Venue table
This table is designed to show a breakdown of sales, discounts and charges applied per Venue.
Sales by Venue Key Terms
Venue: Ordering Channel (ie Flipdish, 3rd-party marketplaces)
Sale Price: Total price of the items purchased, not including tax, refunds and any chargebacks.
Discount: Total Discounts applied through that Venue.
Charges: Any charge that was set up within the Venue settings. In this case, Charges refers to the Delivery charge.
To drill down on the dispatch type you'll select the “>” carat to the left of the Venue name.
Dispatch Type in this case refers to the method the customer receives the order whether that's for collection, delivery or dine-in.
Drilling down on dispatch type will reveal Sales, Discount, Refund and Charge data based on Dispatch Type.
B) Sales Mileage table
Below the Sales by Venue data, you'll find Sales by Mileage. As it suggests, this table represents total numbers of sales based on delivery distance range.
Sales by Mileage Key Terms
Mileage: Delivery distance range of an order.
Sale Count:Total Order Count.
Delivery Charges: If you have set up delivery charges based on delivery range, you'll see the total charges per delivery range in the Delivery Charges column.
Sale Price: Total price of the items purchased, not including tax, refunds and any chargebacks that were delivered by Mileage range.
Similar to the Sales by Venue table, you can select the '“>”' to drill into Orders per Venue within a specific Mileage Range.
C) Customer Retention table
The Customer Retention table gives you a breakdown of % of the total Order Count based on Customer Type.
Customer Retention Key Terms
Total Sales Count: Total Order Count
New Customer Sales: New customers are defined as customers that have placed their first order and are included in your loyalty program. New Customer Sales are the total number of orders placed by new customers.
Existing Customer Sales: Existing customers are defined as customers that are registered in your CRM.These customers have placed at least 2 orders.
Sales without Customers: This number is the total sales (order count) placed by customers that are not participants in your loyalty program and have not registered in your CRM.
D) Actual vs Projected Sales table
This table represents the total retail sales price by venue compared to projected sales.
Projected Sales Key Terms
Venue: Ordering Channel (ie Flipdish, 3rd-party marketplaces)
Actual Retail Order Price: The set price of item(s) as defined by your menu setup.
Projected Retail Order Price: Calculated by taking the average sum of your Orders.
Difference %: The % difference between your Actual and Projected Sales by Venue.
E) Current vs Previous Sales table
This table gives you similar data as the tables above, but also gives you a comparison to a similar time period. If you select the date period at the top of the Accounts Overview report to be 4 weeks, the 'Previous Sale Price' data that will populate will be for the 4 weeks prior to the date you set.
Current vs Previous Sales Key Terms
Venue: Ordering Channel (ie Flipdish, 3rd-party marketplaces).
Actual Retail Order Price: The set price of item(s) as defined by your menu setup.
Projected Retail Order Price: The set price of item(s) as defined by your menu setup.
Difference %: column calculates the % difference between your Actual and Projected Sales totals by Venue.
In the example above, we set the date period for the month of February. This is the data you see in the 'Current Sale Price' column. The data in the 'Previous Sale Price' column is representative of the month of January. You can always confirm the previous period in the upper right hand side of the table.
| Tab 3 - Costs |
Finally, the Costs tab is the final tab on the Accounts Overview Report. The Costs tab is a summary of your profits based on any commissions, wages, fixed costs and cost of goods.
Always confirm you have the correct date period set in the upper left hand corner of the report.
Costs Key Terms
Profit: Sale Price - COGs - Wages Costs - Venue Commissions - Fixed Costs.