All Collections
Order Management
34 articles
3D Secure
Accept / Reject Orders in the Flipdish Portal
Accept or Reject Orders on Your Flipdish Terminal
Delivery and Collection Order Flow for Online Orders
Manage / Disable 'Chef Notes'
Order Search on Your Flipdish Terminal
Protect Against Fraudulent Orders
Refund or Cancel Orders on Your Flipdish Portal
Refund, Cancel, Print and View Past Orders on Your Flipdish Terminal
View and Manage Online Orders
Hide / Snooze a Property Temporarily on Your Flipdish POS
Manage Dine-In Open Table Tabs
Manually Accept, Reject, and Add Time to Orders with Your Flipdish POS
Place a Collection Order on Your Flipdish POS
Place a Delivery Order on Your Flipdish POS
Refund / Void / Cancel an Order with Your Flipdish POS
Search for Sale/Order in Your Flipdish POS
Split Payments by Item with Your Flipdish POS
Split Payments by Payment Type with Your Flipdish POS
Take Card Payments Over the Phone with Your Flipdish POS
Troubleshoot: Order From Flipdish-Powered Website / App Not Received on Your Flipdish POS
Can a customer place another order at the same time while an order is already pending to be completed?
Can I disable the Order Status user interface?
Does the update to Order Status work differently for delivery and collection?
How can customers track their Loyalty Campaign progress?
How does my customer check their Order Status?
How does Order Status functionality work for pre-orders?
How does Order Status work when an order is delayed?
Is there any manual work required for me to change the order status?
Will I be able to see each Order Status change in the logs? If updated manually, will we see the user who updated it?